Welcome to the 2017-2018 DEVO Season!

Hi All,

Welcome to the 2017-2018 season of Ford Sayre DEVO Alpine Race program. It was nice to see many of you at our first dryland gathering today! It was really great to be with the kids!
Just a few reminders as our season gets started: First and most important, communication throughout the season will primarily be through email and blog. I will post information weekly about the upcoming weekends plans, schedule, weather, etc.. To receive a notification when I post something new to the blog you will need to subscribe. The link to the blog is on the Ford Sayre website as well as below. Once on the blog page click “subscribe”. You should then get an email to confirm. You do not need to subscribe to view the blog but I recommend it.

In terms of the season schedule I have created a google calendar which you can access via the DEVO blog and the Ford Sayre website. Our entire season schedule is up—but I guarantee it will change, however I will make sure it is always current and accurate.

Important upcoming dates:

NOVEMBER DRYLAND: We do three dryland sessions with the first one this Sunday November 5th from 1 to 3 pm. We will meet on the soccer field at the Richmond Middle School in Hanover. Plan is to do a quick intro then jog over to the Ray School to kick around the soccer ball and explore an obstacle course of balance beams. These gatherings are a great way for the coaches to get to know the kids and for them and you to get to know us. We will also meet on Sunday the 12th AT THE DARTMOUTH SKIWAY (more info to come soon!) and then on Sunday the 19th from 1-3pm at the Richmond Middle School

On Snow Training: If it works well for your family to get out on snow together before our “official” season starts Saturday December 30th, great! I will be emailing you all once the Skiway opens for the season to let you know when I will be up there (my daughter Emma is a U10 this year, so we’ll be around). It would be great to ski together a bit. Some of the other coaches may be up there too! STARTING 12/30, we will meet Saturday/Sundays 8:45am-12pm–Meet inside, upstairs in the lodge at 8:45-12ish. Lift opens at 9am. Please get there in time for your child to use the bathroom, get lift ticket and put gear on. Be sure they know where their skis/bag/snack all are. Meet inside for both start to day and end of day. Depending on weather/conditions, we’ll come in for snack/bathroom breaks.

Before we get on snow – Make sure your child’s equipment is ready to go and your Skiway pass is purchased. Please be sure that boots fit the feet and skis, and everything is appropriately sized and in good safe condition. If you need any help or have questions please let me know.

Equipment needs – A helmet, boots, skis, and poles that fit and are appropriate to their size (IF YOUR CHILD DIDNT USE POLES LAST SEASON, PLEASE DONT SEND THEM WITH THEM ON THE FIRST WEEKEND, it may take time until they’re using them properly and that’s OKAY!). There are a number of excellent ski shops in the Upper Valley who have both special purchase and lease programs. Omer’s & Bob’s in Lebanon, Golf & Ski in West Lebanon, Henderson’s in Quechee, and Skinners out near Sunapee, can outfit your child with most anything they might need. Artech in Enfield is a great resource for all your ski tuning equipment needs. The coaches are also happy to provide advice. If you ever have any questions about whether or not a certain piece of equipment is right for your child please don’t hesitate to send me an email.

Tuning and waxing:. Skis need to be tuned and waxed to start the year and then regularly tuned throughout the season (typically once for every 3-4 days of skiing). We plan to organize an early season ski tuning clinic for parents who are new to ski tuning to help you get started.

Lots more information to come. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send me an email. We have an amazing group of coaches and we are all looking forward to a great season!

****THINK SNOW****

~Kristin Fauci


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